The next in the Ministry Mares series based on
csimadmax.deviantart.com/art/f… by CSImadmax
And let me just say: I hope I never have to do lace again. So hard to get it to behave in Inkscape.
Cutie Mark by
Other Mares:
Applejack: fav.me/d773dm8
Fluttershy: fav.me/d76tddm
Rainbow Dash: fav.me/d777yqs
Twilight: fav.me/d76ax3j
Rarity: fav.me/d73l8a9
Final group shot: fav.me/d77cpvx
Edit: changed the shirt to a lighter color.
csimadmax.deviantart.com/art/f… by CSImadmax
And let me just say: I hope I never have to do lace again. So hard to get it to behave in Inkscape.
Cutie Mark by
Other Mares:
Applejack: fav.me/d773dm8
Fluttershy: fav.me/d76tddm
Rainbow Dash: fav.me/d777yqs
Twilight: fav.me/d76ax3j
Rarity: fav.me/d73l8a9
Final group shot: fav.me/d77cpvx
Edit: changed the shirt to a lighter color.
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