Jangles is a time sphinx. He baits adventures into his lair and if they can solve his puzzles he grants them dangerous treasures that affect time. He is Jinxy's little brother. He enjoys tormenting and teasing others when he's got nothing better to do but primarily enjoys harping on Jinxy. He is a self obsessed, ego-maniacal narcissist and cares little for smaller creatures, though he does love his family in his own annoying way.
Jangles is in no way ready for the responsibilities he holds as a time sphinx. Despite this he brags of his accomplishments and the countless chapters he has retconned from the pages of Equestrian history. He has been known to transport ponies 1000 years into the past or future and leave them there. He views those beneath him as toys to be played with.
Jangles has a phobia of cucumbers. Jinxy likes calling him 'Pickle' to poke fun at his color palette and mock his fear. This has proven incredibly effective at getting his to leave for short periods of time, though he always returns with something clever in mind.
Jangles could be considered a trickster with few good intentions in mind. he is not a protagonist but is not necessarily evil either. He walks that fun grey area between the two and might even be convinced to do something pleasant if it makes his big sisters happy.
My Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/wispysworkshop/ My Newgrounds: https://wispysworkshop.newgrounds.com/ My Picarto: https://picarto.tv/WispysWorkshop