Cozy Glow: Fine. Forget the monologue. They're going to blow up the school! STOP THEM!!
Sandbar (AJ): No! We're going to try and fix this! But just in case, GET CLEAR!
DM: Hmm… Make a Persuasion check.
Sandbar (AJ): C'mon, c'mon… <roll> Ehhhhh, 14?
Gallus (RD): Does my little speech give a bonus?
DM: Maybe.
Ocellus (TS): Is it at least enough to stop the charge?
DM: There is hesitance and confusion, yes. This is an adventuring school, so your bravado certainly reminds them of their lessons… but Cozy Glow wouldn't LIE to them, would she? She's been so nice…!
Smolder (RT): That won't last long. Let's go for the artifacts NOW.
DM: Sure. You have enough initiative for a surprise round.
Yona (FS): Here go nothing…