Ya'll saw this one coming a mile away, but here is the ever-so-popular MLP OC, Fluffle Puff by
This character really needs no introduction since we bronies basically are already familiar with her. She's been celebrated by many in the MLP fandom throughout the years since her inception and she even had her own spinoff tumblr blog! It's ended sadly but the archive is here in case you are interested in looking at it: askflufflepuff.tumblr.com/arch… There have also been numerous animations of her on the YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCtwPB…
As you can see, I used different techniques with drawing her in this pic since how I've done it in the past was too similar to how she was officially drawn and I made a lot of her fur have a curved look to make her look more fluffy and less spiky. She sure turned out cute and was fun to draw! You made a great character, FlufflePuff622! :)