DM: Well, you've given me a lot to think about, but I think that'll do it for tonight. I'm going to be busy next week, but does the week after work for everyone?
Fluttershy: That's fine, I could use a small break…
Applejack: Works for me.
Rarity: And it'll be back to our 4th Edition characters again, I take it?
DM: Yeah, this was just a one-shot in 5th.
Rainbow Dash: Aww, I was just starting to actually like Gallus…
Applejack: All things considered, Ah thought that worked pretty well as a palate-cleanser.
Rarity: Indeed! I feel refreshed and brimming with new ideas!
DM: Oh, by the way… Could you stick around for a bit longer? We need to discuss some things.
Twilight Sparkle: Huh? Me? Why?
DM: Well, if we're going to start openly coordinating on plot points, then there's a few things I need to run by you, specifically.
Twilight Sparkle: Uh-oh…
Rainbow Dash: Ha! Knew it.
Pinkie Pie: Knew what?
Rainbow Dash: That there've been super-secret DM plans for Twilight.
Fluttershy: I guess it's her turn now that Rarity's done…