"You can't catch me, Flurry! I'm faster! I can fly!" Pound called out behind him, opening his wings to take to the air.
"No way! As princess of the Crystal Empire, I shall have you caught! You know flying is against the rules!" Flurry replied in a fake formal voice.
"Not if I get there first!" Pumpkin laughed. “You know I can still reach you, Pound!”
With that, Pumpkin caught up to her brother, biting his tail to bring them down. Flurry crashed into the both of them and they all fell into a pile.
"No fair! You caught me!” Pound protested good-naturedly.
Flurry stuck her nose up in pretend regality. “Pumpkin was restoring justice! You were breaking the rules!”
The three foals all laughed at this.
"Hey, guys?" Pumpkin piped up.
"I bet we're gonna be friends forever even when we're grown-ups! Pound and I will have bakeries all over Equestria, but we'll visit the Crystal Empire a lot so we can still hang out with you, Flurry. Or we'll live there." Pumpkin smirked, wrapping her arms around her brother and friend. "Maybe you two will even get married and have foals. I know you like each other…"
Immediately, the two started blushing.
"Pumpkin, no!" Pound exclaimed. "I don't like her like that!"
"I'm not sure about marrying Pound. He's my friend and it would be too weird…" Flurry added.
"Uh huh. Don't say I didn't warn you once it comes true." Pumpkin winked.
"IF it comes true," Flurry corrected.
Pumpkin nodded, still not convinced. "Sure, Flurry."