Personality: Poison Ivy ponies are ponies who are kind and harmless but sometimes they could be dangerous. Those spikes on their tails are poisonous so be ware.The good thing is that they only use their spikes for defense . Those little caring creatures are pretty rare.
Home place: They are seen all over Equestria but they perfer living in the Everfree Forest.
Diet: They eat only Poison Joke. The poison from that plant goes at the ponies tail.Thats why the spikes are poisonous.
Born: They are all born in the Everfree Forest by a special plant called Moon Lily.
Colors: They can be only light colors or a light pastel color.
Interesting Facts: 100% girls Talk a lot Often annoying Cuteness over 9000 Don't have a queen or a Princess Do whateva they want ;vv ;; Are small like breezies Can ride butterflies They hate celestial ponies Only earth ponies No Cutie Mark Often have marks on theyr body Can talk with animals (Fluttershy ;3 ;;; )
Thats all for now
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