
Name: Rainbow Flare/Rainbow Paw's

Nickname(s): . . .

Parents: . . .

Species: Pegasus

Partner: . . .

Offspring: . . .

Rainbow Flare is actually Rainbow Paw's "cursed" side. She is a heartless,soul-less,uncaring creature. When the Elements of Harmony were found,new students were chosen specifically by the Elements,for a new Generation of adventures and struggles. One of those students,were of course,Rainbow Paws. Since the Elements came back…some other stuff came back with it…villains. The elements of Harmony were banished while Turning all the villains known to stone,Chrysalis,King Sombra,Tirek and The main villain,Nightmare Moon. They may have turned into stone,tho,their souls didn't. When they found out Rainbow Paws was the main leader of the New Next Gen of Hero's,they knew she was the perfect target.
(there isn't much info since shes technically just Rainbow,tho,i hope to add more soon!)

Nightmare moon and Flare have a semi Love and Hate relationship. Nightmare moon is sorta like Flares Boss,she takes control of Flares mind most of the time,trying to get revenge on Princess Luna and Celestia.

Flare mainly has the powers of King Sombra,Her necklace contains the soul of Rainbow Paw's,and it also contains powerful magic that only she can control. She has the ability to sound exactly like Nightmare Moon at times. Flare can travel by becoming a shadow,it looks like a pony shaped sorta cloud of dust.

Special Facts:
-Flare absolutely HATES when Rainbow is Happy.
-Flare gets punished if she doesn't follow her so called "Bosses" orders.
-Rainbow's worst fear is that one day,Flare will try to hurt her Family.
-Flare has a very small soft spot for Rainbow's Foals,she tries to avoid them as much as possible.

base by ElementBases
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