Emperor: Regardless of what you think, I am convinced that my palace is haunted by evil spirits.
Emperor: And that is a foe my warriors cannot fight.
Fluttershy: Um… why not, your majesty?
Emperor: Because, while we Kirin are deeply connected to the spirits around us thanks to our draconic blood…
Emperor:…this sensitivity to spirits is a double-edged sword, particually when the spirits are as wicked as these.
Emperor: I have lost too many warriors already.
Emperor: My only recourse is to look for help outside the Kirin, in the hopes that someone who lacks our weakness to spirits is capable of cleansing the evil from my palace.
Emperor: So tell me: Do you understand what I am asking of you?
AJ: So… you abandoned your Summer Palace, presumably along with most of your guards and servants, and probably didn't bother taking your extensive stores of treasure with you…
AJ: And you want to send us into this abandoned palace, unsupervised, so that we can run amok in the hopes of solving the problem with the evil spirits?
AJ: Am I understanding you correctly?
Emperor: That’s not—
RD: We’ll do it!
RD: Don’t worry, your majesty! We’ll have your Summer Palace cleared out in no time at all!
Rarity: Cleared out in more ways than one, no doubt…
PP: Oooh, it’s a ghost hunt and a treasure hunt! This will be so much fun!
Twilight: This…
Twilight: …is going to be a long campaign…