
Name: Magnesian mares
Origin: Greek myth
Description: Horses that look like they are made of rocks
Behavior: Human and horse like
Powers: Could talk and are the mothers of centaurs.

23rd day of the Obscure Monsters Challenge 2019 by GoldandSliverDragon!

So… stone like centaur people? Kewl, lemme just use that as an excuse to draw me some of my old, often forgotten crystal pony maid OC Pristine Polish, but as a centaur.
Still need to figure out a colourscheme for this one, and more use than just randomly draw her once a year. Oh well!

As with most things this busy week, this one was a bit rushed, so I didn't had time to double take on the final design before finishing up. Sadly her stockings and back cover ended up making her look a bit too saucy and butt naked, when letting her keep her dress on for the front part but nothing covering her horse butt. Not the greatest design, but no time for a do-over for now.

Either way, enjoy!


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