Name: Mayniacal (Called May) Pronouns: doesn't care fore gender, call em anything Sexuality: Lesbian Likes: Bombs, fire, explosions, chaos, being evil, messing shit up, stealing Hates: Male Ponies, Monarchy, The Princesses, water Backstory: There's a legend in Equestria that all parents tell their fillies; If you're naughty all the time you'll turn into a PoNi: a demon pony that has transformed for being to bad, it eventually becomes their talent and they are stuck forever in the PoNi form, Little do these parents know the legend is true. May is the result of this. As a young horse, May was the worst child you can think of. Causing explosions Fires and all kinds of mayhem. They then transformed overnight. May accepted their new form with eagerness. Each day may spreads havoc, and they'll never stop.
I based them off of junkrat a bit hence the cutie mark heh credit to Blizzard for the Junkrat spray