
Artist's description from DA:
Finally, an adequate drawing.

I don't know why but I like drawing maps. Being able to sit down for numerous hours and create a world of you own is highly enjoyable, I feel.

Anyway, here is my revised map for the globe upon which the My Little Pony stories take place.

There are a total of 22 earth-bound countries, 2 found on ice shelves, and 4 that are underwater.

The Earthbound Countries (alphabetical order with capitals)

Ashokkekstan- Boardad
Australeope- Sydnedile
Bellaza- Bellaza City
Boazil- Rio de Jaguaro
Canadursa- Grizbéc
Crystal Empire, The- Emeraldan
Equestria- Canterlot
Faustria- Yaxembourg
Fjordland- Katlaamb
Geminican Republic, The- Arubya
Great Sheltand- Lochdon
Gryphus- Liongrad
Horndoras- Paneighma
Japanue- Dracyo
Nagandia- Gnu Delhi
Nocturnia- Fang Couver
Pandasia- Neighjing
Poru- Llima
Reissia- Mooscow
Saddle Arabia- Camton
Sverden- Stagholm
Zebrica- Hyenasburg

Ice shelf
Antorctica- Iceberg
Polaris- Whiteclaw

Underwater Nations
Abyssa- Shellton
Atlantis- Atlantis
Nova Waters, The- Blackpool
Sharkadia- Wales

There are three areas on the map without names. The big white patch between The Crystal Empire and Canadursa, the light brown spot west of Equestria, and the dark green south of Boazil.
The white is what will one day become Twilight's own country. But for now it is an uninhabitable lump of snow and ice that never sees the sun. There is an immovable magic snow cloud above that whole area. It has been there since Celestia was born. Canadursans and Crystsal Empire citizens have playfully given it the name, Tartarus' Icebox.
The brown is The Badlands. There is no government or capital (yet). Primarily only Changeling and Dragons reside there, since the soil is too sandy to sustain crops and there hasn't been a cloud in the skies above it for nearly two thousand years. No rain or vegetation and an average temperature of about 105 degrees Fahrenheit will keep pretty much any creature at bay.
The dark green is known in Boazil as The End, and in Poru it's referred to as The Green Death. Legend says that anypony who goes in will never come back. This is of course, false. A few have come back, but they either forgot or couldn't tell their story. The truth is that The End is just like an overgrow Everfree Forest. But far more expansive and dangerous.


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