After many great Hearth's Warmings together while dating and engaged, Film Reel and Fluttershy got to have a couple Hearth's Warmings together after being married. They even redesigned Fluttershy's cottage to include more space and added a fireplace. Why? Because after some convincing from Fluttershy and thinking on Film Reel's part, the two decided to have a baby. And on one Hearth's Warming Eve as it snowed outside, Film and Fluttershy slept by the new fireplace as the pegasi new holiday gift is on its way. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Fluttershy," whispered Film. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Film," whispered Fluttershy. "And Happy Hearth's Warming, little one," Film and Fluttershy both whispered to their bun in the oven.
Merry Christmas, Everyone and Everypony!
Originally drawn in pencil. Colors, lamp, and edits done in Photoshop.