Family: N/A! Her found family of her friends is enough.
Cutie Mark: Changes based upon strong emotion. Current examples are:
Happy/neutral: three question marks Angry: three exclamation points Sad: three teardrops Lovey-dovey: three hearts Future permanent cutie mark: three stars Hometown: Trottingham.
Location: Rainbow Falls.
Identity Crisis is a changeling with an identity complex to match the worst of 'em. She's a little ditzy and often distracted but her heart is always in the right place. She can be selfish, too, but never anything that would actively jeapordise her friends if it came down to it. She's known for spending a lot of her time in little fantasies to make herself feel better about the way her real life is going, but it's nothing that'll keep her from her actual work.
She's an academic, loving to study and spend time accruing as much knowledge to do with her chosen passions (acting, comedy, law and psychology) as much as possible. Other than that, she enjoys taking taking time out to enjoy the comedic works of Ivo Graham, her future dream boss. Despite academic success, she wishes to be a Personal Assistant for the man, which some view as a step down from what she's capable of. However, she knows in her heart that she'd absolutely adore to do it professionally full time.
Additional Information:
Permanently exhausted.
Loves her best friend Lolly Lovelace and Lolly's boyfriend Mocha Bean!
Really loves her pet raccoon, Dusty.
Freckles are EXACT and cannot be compromised. left: two, center: one, right: three.
A little too chatty at times.
Loves plushies and figurines, but spends her money on food so she never has enough.
She can't sing.
Very wobbly on her legs if she doesn't think about it.
Scared of adult dragons — babies are okay.
Doesn't associate with her former hive, or other unreformed changelings if she can help it.