
Ocellus: Isn’t that a little harsh to a… clock?

Silverstream: Yeah! Who knows, maybe your life one day will depend on being awake at certain times on the dot!

Gallus: The day I decide to tie my life down to a… ugh… schedule… is the day I hang up my sketchpad.

Smolder: Besides, you couldn’t wake up on time to save your life.

Gallus: Righ- hey! I can wake up on time If I want to!

Sandbar: Dude, you are impossible to wake up without a loud noise. It’s like you turn off your ear…flap…things.

Silverstream: They’re just called ears, silly!

Yona: Well bird ears look weird compared to Yak ears! Pony ears look alright, but stick in wrong direction.

Smolder: Starting off the year on a tangent… yeah, this will go well.

Ocellus: I have a headache already.


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