26th Dec 2019, 6:00 AM
Author: GreatDinn
Guest Author's Note: "Joining a new group can be a harrowing experience, even if it's for a night, even for a one-shot. You never know what you’re gonna get. Personally, I think it's good to have safety valves in play, to know what you will and won't put up with, and to be prepared to just quit and leave if necessary. But I also think that it's good to try these somewhat scary things, because you never know what you're gonna get! If I hadn't tried (and failed at first) to get into Fallout is Dragons, I’d be down several highly valued friends, a few misadventures, a lot of practice, and an attempt to write a guest arc for a web comic.
Man, the Holiday Season gets me really mushy, huh?”
Twilight Sparkle: Well, I’d still like to play a game tonight. What if I joined you?
MD: Really!? Oh that would be amazing! Thank you so much. I’m gonna call the girls and let them know we’ve got a guest tonight. Ooooh, this is so exciting!
Twilight Sparkle: So…anything I need to know about this friend of yours?
DM: Nice enough. Really invested in games. Strong feelings about things. Wants to please everyone. Had to drop out of my first group.
Twilight Sparkle: Wait, first group? You mean under-
DM: Yes. Though I doubt you’ll see anything remotely close to what happened with us.
Twilight Sparkle: Okay…if you say so.
DM: You’ve got my number. If anything happens, you know how to reach me. I’ll get you out of there.
Twilight Sparkle: Not really making me less nervous…
DM: Sorry. Too much practice on my ominous foreshadowing. You’re gonna be great.
Twilight Sparkle: Thanks.