
"The world we live is just one, and is too fragile to withstand darkness and pollution, but I'm here to make hope and prosperity prevail and ensure a more harmonious life"
Morning Forest

He's a unicorn, that in fact previously he was known as Nocturne Jungle, who after a confrontation, he was splited away from his doppelganger, thanks to Cyrax, nowadays nopony had really seen him and thus that less is known about him, while he knows much about other ponies, his weakness it's the alicorn amulet, because he runs the risk to recombine with Nocturne Jungle. In fact he's a multi-dimensional entity which travels to every kind of dimensions, preserving the order in each one of them, defending them from every danger, only foals and fillies know that he's not a common pony, and he's for other older age ponies one more of them when in fact, he's a being not belonging to the world of Equestria, a pure light filled entity who's engarged to preserve and doing good in every place he travels, even it is said that he came to explore the real world, but apparently he still hidden in the jungle, Currently he collects any clues that probably helps him to recover some of his memories from his previous life, same happens to remember his paranormal abilities, and at the same time he watches for living in peace without being manipulated again by Willa Wispral and Poacher Monster's evil energy.

Personality: Morning Forrest, differently from Nocturne Jungle, he bears no evilness on himself, he's a cheerful, crafty, sweet, wise and Jolly ''Pony''. He's really brave when he has to fight an enemy, he has a relaxed mind and a pure heart, he's also a pious and respectful of every kind of life, he also enjoys to help and be helped, he's devoted to the magic of friendship and family and likes to be called a "Dimensional Cop" by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie

Age: 15 (eternal) years old

Best Friends (Perfect Compatibility): Professor Jolt, Tikka Sunrise, Aroma Sweet, Christian BoxingHooves, Lorne SpinningClay, Misty PrettyShell, Magna Fashion, Soiree Haunter, Count Bloodcula, Jin FightingKoi, Kirinella, Dragon Score, Sir Hyper Wing, Officer Nathan, Jikan, Argus Kaiser, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, Cyrax, Lightning Bolt

Worst Friends (Enemies): Poacher Monster, Willa Wispral, Doom, Nocturne Jungle, Steel Cross

Cutie Mark: A Fresh green Tree, a sun and a river

House: Everywhere

Abilities: Combat, Dimension Travel, Light Magic Control, Speed, Physical Strengh, Teleportation, Invisibility, Ecouragement, Heal Spells, Strategic Skills, Sanity Soul, Psychological Serenity

Favorite Character (real or ficticional): Quinn Malory from Sliders

Likes: Sanity, Light Magic, Professor Jolt's Innocence, Sir Hyper Wing's Heroism, Friendship, Family, Pureness, Nature, Ecology, Traveling

Dislikes: Voodoo, Hunting, Dark Magic, Injustice, Pollution, Poison, Terror, Voodoo Dolls, Evil Hearts, Curses, the Alicorn Amulet, Nocturne Jungle, Violence, Guns, Revenge, War

Art © shadymeadow
MLP:FiM © Hasbro
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