Alrighty, on my way out of the door for my vacation in Indiana, got just enough time to put this up before I leave. Just a little project I worked on on the side for my tumblr account.
Not sure I succeeded at putting the panels together properly like this. Tumblr posts allow them to be put up seperately. This looks wonky, I know. Try and enjoy it none the less
First real comic feature for old #51 and I do believe it is also the first time I drew her actually attempting to cummit suicide though it is a strong part of her character. This is also an introduction to the relationship with her new best friend.
Harpoon the Kelpie [link] (blog with mature content)
A murderious creature who rapes, kills and eats other ponies but rejected 51 since it's no fun killing the willing [link] This comic is the sequel to that pic.
But though he find no need to kill her, he now found a much better use. Keeping her alive just to enjoy her suffering.
Anyways, not a master piece but I was glad I could use 51 some more.
Harpoon © Ask Harpoon The Kelpie
MLP,FiM © :iconhasbro: & :iconfyre-flye:
#51 © Me
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