Got time to upload another something I have been working on while I was offline. Yes yes, just more pony #51 stuff but she’s surprisingly popular, on tumblr especially, and I like to draw her
This is also part of considerations I have about her design. Considering all the things she goes through, you would think she would have more visible scars. I just never drew them on her. I think it’s, among things, about the use scars usually have in character designs. To make them look badass or to have their character and or personality focused around them. But 51’s scars do not define her like that. They are simply a result of her misery, she doesn’t care about scars and they are not meant to gain extra pity for her character.
So, yeah. To be more correct on how damaged tissue works, she should have more visible scars. But I don’t want the scars to be the focus points of her design. So I’m a little at a loss here. Let me hear what you guys think
For now, have this to see the actual scars she has. Not all would be big or actual visible unless you look closely. Most of these she has inflicted on herself, only very few are made by someone else. Who? Maybe I’ll tell that story one day