
Vinyl Scratch hadn't always been the successful startup DJ from Manehatten that she's now known by. She had made a name for herself after years of hesitation and doubt via her music career.

Vinyl Scratch was born of her mother and father years ago with her brother Record Flare being her older brother. Vinyl never had much of a home life besides being with her brother. Her mother and father always seemed to prioritize hallucinogens over their children. That, and the two always seemed to forget their two foals to take care of. This left Record Flare to take care of his baby sister, pleading and yelling to his parents to change, only for them to brush their son aside.

Record Flare had always adored his energetic baby sister. She always seemed to have a sweet and happy optimism when it came to almost anything that life threw her way. It hurt Flare to think that that little spark of happiness would simply go away after being in such a household for too long. He knew it sure did for him. So, after years of abuse from their parents, Record Flare took the initiative to call FPS (Foal Protective Services) to formally take his sister out of the mess that they used to call home. Of course he had felt a bit regretful towards being taken away from his parents, but not enough to keep him and his sister in that house any longer.

This left financial strain on the two. Record Flare could only find time to take care of his little sister by working his tail off at odd jobs all over Manehatten. Every time he'd manage to get a little ahead in bills, he always seemed to be beaten back down by other expenses and such. Though, that didn't mean he didn't try to treat him and his little sister every once and a while. Sometimes when he was free, he'd take Vinyl out to a little music venue in the city or even out to eat sometimes and get her favorite oatburgers.

Though, after a month or so of saving pennies and dollars, Flare managed to save up to go to an actual concert. He knew his baby sister truly did love music. It did run in the family. So, he did all he could to make this event special. His little sister would have no distractions other than fun on this trip. And off they went. To a little concert where Flare knew Vinyl would love. On that day, Vinyl's flank would begin to glow, only for a music note to appear where it was once blank.

The two would of course celebrate with some after concert meal and head home.

Vinyl loved her big brother. She knew just how hard her brother worked to get them on their hooves. And although she insisted on helping him by getting a job of her own to help support, Flare utterly refused, telling her to get her education rather than any stupid job Manehatten had to offer. And s she did. well… tried in any case. Vinyl wasn't much of a studious pony. She tried her best, of course, but she always seemed to fail every test. All, except music. Music was her life blood and anypony who knew her knew that as a fact. Despite Vinyl's downward spiral which was her grades in high school, she knew she had her music. Although her brother wouldn't let her work, she knew another way to earn living while simply labeling it as a hobby to her unsuspecting brother. She began to upload music online.

Though she was a bit of a low start up, her music began to catch a bit of attention from some radio shows featured on college campuses. As her music caught the attention of other ponies in the Manehatten area, it would slowly make its way to other areas across equestria. Though she wasn't truly known by her real name, her underground name known by her fans was that of "DJ-Pon3". She surely made a bit of a name for herself. Though having dropped out of high school due to her lacking grades, she would begin to play music in clubs and around areas in manehatten.

Vinyl had thought this would be it for her career, and she was kind of ok with that! she was doing what she loved and no one could stop her from that. But that wouldn't be the end of it. As he brother made his way through Manehatten, there had been a terrible accident, leaving him to pass away in the hospital. This nearly killed Vinyl. The only person she called family was now gone. Just… never coming home again… It left an empty place in Vinyl that she thought nothing could replace. She had wanted to make her brother proud, but now?… she would never be able to show him just how much he had impacted her life.

Vinyl had paused her music career, and slowly her reputation was on hold. Where was the partying DJ that lit up Manehatten clubs every weekend? Where were the new hits hitting the top on music charts? gone. Paused. At least for the time being.

Months had passed with no music to speak of as far as Vinyl was concerned. How could she make music when nothing was there to drive her? she couldn't. Until she received an e-mail one day that had told her that, even though her grades had been lacking in high school, there was no doubt about the musical talent that held in the white coated unicorn. A nearly full ride Scholarship was waiting for her in West Manehatten university.

Although there was certainly an aching pain in vinyl as far as her brother's passing. She couldn't help but feel that this was her chance to show what she was truly made of. To prove to her brother that she wasn't just a deadbeat dropout. So she went to college, a new found fire in her to do what she couldn't in high school.

In her freshman year she would take a different array of classes, though ones she knew would both help her career in music, and things she would be interested in. Though, as fate would have it, she would meet a ash coated mare in one of her classes. Strangely, Psychology. That mare was Octavia Melody. A mare she would soon come to realize was not someone to bicker back and forth with in class, but rather someone she would switch dorms to be roommates with. Slowly bond with. To fall in love with.

And so, after finishing 4 amazing yet agonizing years in college, a new special somepony by her side, the two would settle down first in Ponyville, Manehatten, and then finally Canterlot. The two had chemistry unlike any other. The two clashed so strangely yet amazingly. It was only a matter of time before they tied the knot. The two settled down for a few years, only to bring up the idea of children. The two knew that someday they would want kids, but was that time now? they supposed so!

So the two end up going through magical insemination to go about having a foal. It was seemingly a good birth, until it cam time to deliver. There had been many complications with the procedure. Octavia was on the decline as far as health. It was only a matter of time before she would pass due to the process of labor though only after delivering a small but healthy little filly. This, of course destroyed Vinyl. Her one true mate, her soulmate, had just passed. Just like her brother. She had felt alone. Scared on what to do. She had a filly to take care of! she didn't know anything about being a parent! Her and Octavia were going to do this together… what now?

Well… let's start with a name.

Vinyl had decided to dedicate her little girl's name to the two she cared for most. Her brother, and her wife.

"Rolling Melodic Record"

It had taken Vinyl some amount of months to gather up a true plan on what to do. She had taken care of her little filly, of course, but that was just flying by the seat of her metaphorical pants. She knew she had to quit music. At least for now. She had other things to take care of. Besides, she had enough licensed music to pay for college three times over. And despite her and her daughter's slight grievances over the past, they only grew closer as the years went on.

If you got all the way till here thank you. I might have gotten a bit carried away, but I just LOVE vinyl and her character.

If you've been a veteran pony fan, you might recognize the bit with Octavia and Vinyl's past in college. That is because I took inspiration from "Vinyl and Octavia, University Days" by Dawn Fade. It's an oldy but a goody! I highly recommend it!

As far as Vinyl getting her cutie mark, I changed it a bit from the comics seeing as her being there didn't truly make sense in my mind but rather it was a bit of an Easter egg in the issue.

So there you have it! thank you for sticking around so long! y'all are the best!


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