Originally posted on: May 10, 2013
Commission for d-azulrgb. Had more time than expected and finished this faster than originally planned. A simple digital, full coloured pic of their two OC's Mellissa and Cece, without background. Pose wise I was given a few suggestions with otherwise free hands to make it work. And thus this was made.
Melissa is supposed to be performing some gleeful Capoeira which, I admit, turned out more like a hopwheel. Cece was only suggested to be drawn in some kind of ninja pose and I went with her sneaking and having her silent approach ruined by the more forward sister. I like the dynamic of the picture and how it overally turned out. Good designs to work with and the poses was fun to play around with.
I hope this lives up to your expectations, d-azulrgb. Enjoy
Melissa, Cece © :icond-azulrgb:
MLP; FiM © :iconhasbroplz: & :iconfyre-flye:
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