The Hearth's Warming Eve is at the threshold (yes, I know that holidays are long over, but I don't care) but Rarity's daughter Amber Earring knows no rest. She asked the foals from Ponyville orphanage to make a wishlist of their Hearth's Warming Eve gifts and promised to get them all. She succeeded and purchased all required gifts the kids asked for… except one. The celebration is tomorrow, and desperate Amber still runs from one toy shop to another, trying to find what she needs. At least she is accompanied by her best friend Rainfall (daughter of Rainbow Dash), who is, despite being rather cynical person, is still a reliable mare.
How will this story end?Stay tuned and you will learn soon…
FLUTTERSHY: Here we are, kids. Now prepare your letters.
SNOW BLOSSOM: Oh, oh, oh! (jumps eagerly in front of post-box trying to throw letter in)
BIG MAC: Here ya go, sugar. (grabs and raises her)
TWILIGHT: Good to see ponies liked my idea with Santa's post-boxes.
FLUTTERSHY: Hi, Twilight! It was such sweet idea, thank you for it.
TWILIGHT: Thank my son. He has been writing letters to Santa Hooves, telling about gifts he wants to receive on Heart's Warming Eve, every year. It made me think — since so many foals write such letters, why not organizing it and create special letter boxes?
SUMMER WIND: Princess Twilight, Santa will get all our letters?
TWILIGHT: (winks) Have no doubt!
RAINBOW DASH (approaches, talking to her daughter Rainfall) Ready to send a message to Santa Hooves, squirt?
RAINFALL: Mom, that's silly! I know that you and dad are buying presents for Heart's Warming. Why sending a letter?
RAINBOW DASH: Oookay, then I'll write him myself and tell that one grumpy filly doesn't want a gift from him this year.
RAINFALL: What?! No, I want a gift! (throws her letter into post-box)
PINKIE PIE: (looks from behind the post-box and knocks and gives it a knock) Feels like fool. Pinkie Delievery ready to deliver the mail to Santa's workshop!