"Adagio sitting at a desk and wondering how to get revenge on the Rainbooms. Adagio remarking if only they were as easy to deal with as mistakes while writing with a pencil. Unbeknownst to Adagio however the Humane 7 have been mysterious shrunken to a super smol size and are on her desk… and in the impact zone of the incoming pencil eraser wielded by Adagio. Said pencil eraser dwarfs them utterly and engulfs their field of view. They naturally panic at their incoming doom. Said doom takes a few flavors (alternate endings.) […]
Ending 2: Similar to the first ending. But instead of erasing their clothes the Humane 7 become 7 bloody smears on a spot of the eraser. […]"
Other endings: >>2267582 Adagio's unperceived revenge Alt 1 by mythkaz
>>2267584 Adagio's unperceived revenge Alt 3 by mythkaz
The reason why I did 3 variants instead of complementing the ending was mostly for fitting options, the original idea involved having Adagio in last panel unaware of what she did, but I felt the plot could be rearranged to mention her intentions somewhere in between (doll panel) and just focus on the result to end the comic.
This version is my least favorite, as I normally don't enjoy drawing blood. However, a commission is a commission and this one doesn't gross me enough to not post it