**Before I start talking about the picture, just want to let you guys know I haven't abandoned DA. I've just been avoiding DA and Discord because of getting swamped at work. Whenever I feel tired/stressed, I isntantly push both DA and discord aside to make sure my stress stays low. Thanks for being patient with me!!
:heart: Flings hearts violently LOVE YA'LL :heart: :heart:
This isn't really an AU, I don't thinl. Just having some design fun. I was originally just gonna do the Mane 6, but as I was working on the first version of AJ, I realized it looked more like Big Mac than AJ, so I threw him in the mix, too XD
NOTES: Big Mac and AJ's horns I modeled after ox horns. I wanted them to really have a heavy, 'steer-ish' look to them. I also gave them heavier scales and bigger, bulkier necks and muzzles.
Rainbow Dash has FRILLS GALORE (referenced from this amazing sketchdump: Nightmare-Moon-Sketchdump ) I originally made all of them rainbow colored, but decided to make her cheek nad back frills blue to help keep the chaos to a minimum lol
Fluttershy I wanted to mimic her long flowing mane with frills, but I didn't want them all droopy, so I just drew them drawn back (like ears are in a submissive animal) I kept her colors simple and a tried to match her scale/frills to Rainbows (both are pegasi, and I wanted that to show through)
Pinkie Pie is a floofball. That's it.
Twilight and Rarity have a sort of 'tri-horn' thing going, where the spikes on the ridge of their necks, line up with the set of horns on their heads. The idea was that the two horns plus one taller one (replacing the unicorn horn) generate magic. Dunno if it came across le shrug. I'm a little annoyed with how un-sleek Rarity looks, but by the time I got frustrated, I'd already spent loads of time on her scales and decided that I'd just leave it as it was. Also don't like her colors here, but I was a little burnt out and wanted to get this piece up.