But Annie just doesn't have a "sister." She sees Mellow Vibes, her cousin, as an older brother (but only slightly). Practically raised together, there have been many an afternoon in which they busied themselves with coloring, or playing in puddles, or looking for new rocks to help align their chakras. Mel's calm demeanor is the perfect foil for Athena's excitable one, and they get along quite easily. Oftentimes, she, Dawn, Mel, and Jetstream all met at the castle, or her mom's cottage after school to unwind, relax, and spend many hours playing pretend, practicing their various abilities, or planning new ways to acquire those sweet, sweet cutie marks (with many snacks involved).
Jetstream is another foal that Athena has known most her life, and Aunt Rainbow Dash does love visiting her bizarre little "niece." As such, Annie was one of the first creatures to encourage Jet when he first got his wings underneath him, and comforts him when he's confused whether he wants to be a Wonderbolt when he grows up or not. In turn, Jetstream immediately stepped up when Annie mentioned she wished she could fly better like her friends (instead of just hovering all the time). He taught her how to strengthen her wings and always encouraged her to get to the next cloud, or the other side of the chasm. Athena, of course, has many, many friends in her catalog and adores each and every one. But her bestest friends will forever and always remain as such, and there isn't anything she won't do for those guys and gals!