Spike stopped at the street corner and got his bearings. His first day at Canterlot Academy was behind him now, and as the afternoon sun set caused the shadows to grow and darkened he looked back on the day.
The day had been a whirlwind of activity. Of course the first day of school usually was, but with middle school behind him the young dragon was coming to grips with the fact that he was now in high school.
An even bigger fact was that he had been accepted into the same prestigious school as his big sister Twilight. She'd talked up Canterlot Academy up from the moment she'd been accepted to it, and it had only gotten more pronounced when she'd made Student Council.
He was still staring around at his surroundings when a silky, refined, very female, voice spoke up.
"Ah! There you are darling."
Spinning around his eyes met those of one of a fellow house room student. After a moment he remembered her name. Rarity. Twilight had mentioned her on several occasions. She was another member of the Student Council.
Big sis said that amongst the students she was the undisputed queen of fashion and beauty on campus. Spike felt she deserved title. On several occasions he'd found his eyes drifting her direction when she had been in the same area.
The violet blue maned unicorn stopped a few feet in front of him. No longer on campus the young mare had untied the official school black tie and had it draped across her shoulders. She'd also unbuttoned the first 2 buttons on her white cotton shirt. With a impish smile she leaned forward until her eyes were level with the smaller dragon.
"You're new here. Aren't you. You're Twilight's adopted little brother? Spike. Rarity's the name. I noticed you watching me today. So Spike, what do you think of Canterlot Academy?"
The purple dragon suddenly found his mouth very dry. "Um, uh. It's amazing!"
Rarity tossed her head causing her perfectly curled mane to sway and bounce. "Yes, yes it is, but be careful. You don't want to get on Head Mistress Celestia or sister Luna bad side. I'm pretty sure Miss Cheerilee noticed you watching me today."
This is the story that popped into my head while drawing this piece today. It's the next in what is going to be a series of anthro MLP drawings of various characters as either students or staff of a school.
The day had been a whirlwind of activity. Of course the first day of school usually was, but with middle school behind him the young dragon was coming to grips with the fact that he was now in high school.
An even bigger fact was that he had been accepted into the same prestigious school as his big sister Twilight. She'd talked up Canterlot Academy up from the moment she'd been accepted to it, and it had only gotten more pronounced when she'd made Student Council.
He was still staring around at his surroundings when a silky, refined, very female, voice spoke up.
"Ah! There you are darling."
Spinning around his eyes met those of one of a fellow house room student. After a moment he remembered her name. Rarity. Twilight had mentioned her on several occasions. She was another member of the Student Council.
Big sis said that amongst the students she was the undisputed queen of fashion and beauty on campus. Spike felt she deserved title. On several occasions he'd found his eyes drifting her direction when she had been in the same area.
The violet blue maned unicorn stopped a few feet in front of him. No longer on campus the young mare had untied the official school black tie and had it draped across her shoulders. She'd also unbuttoned the first 2 buttons on her white cotton shirt. With a impish smile she leaned forward until her eyes were level with the smaller dragon.
"You're new here. Aren't you. You're Twilight's adopted little brother? Spike. Rarity's the name. I noticed you watching me today. So Spike, what do you think of Canterlot Academy?"
The purple dragon suddenly found his mouth very dry. "Um, uh. It's amazing!"
Rarity tossed her head causing her perfectly curled mane to sway and bounce. "Yes, yes it is, but be careful. You don't want to get on Head Mistress Celestia or sister Luna bad side. I'm pretty sure Miss Cheerilee noticed you watching me today."
This is the story that popped into my head while drawing this piece today. It's the next in what is going to be a series of anthro MLP drawings of various characters
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