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Today was supposed to have been a good day, but so far it had just been nothing short of exhausting. Three weeks ago, Skyler had awoken to discover that his body had somehow transformed itself into the unlikely shape of a short, anthropomorphic Twilight Sparkle. That had been traumatic enough — and then the female hormones kicked in. Her petite, beanpole-like figure had blossomed virulently into absurdly top-heavy, fetish-model proportions before she could even really get used to the simple idea of sitting down to pee.
This morning, Skyler tried to be positive, even as she struggled to stuff her bloated chest into an old I cup bra she had clearly outgrown in the night. She sighed. These days, it seemed like everything she ate went straight to her tits… so maybe eating that triple patty melt & double ice cream sundae for dinner last night hadn't been such a good idea — but this new body of hers was always just so damn hungry! Now, because of her indiscipline, she would be forced to attend class while wearing a bra that was way too small for her new, bigger size. The strap dug painfully into her back, carving an angry red blemish into her mauve flesh; gobs of taut, puffy, jiggly titflesh spilled out copiously from the feeble cups in the front. Looking in the mirror, the sheer verticality of her cleavage was unreal…
But Skyler wasn't about to let any of that get to her — after all, just yesterday she had finally gotten a new haircut! Today was the day people would finally stop calling her "Skylight Sparkle" — she was her own pony… er, person… damn it! Sick of feeling like a cheap, fetishized knockoff of a cartoon character, today — with her freshly straightened, non-bookwormy hair — today was they day at last when Skyler seized her own destiny!
… right?
Disappointment came quickly. Squashed together under her school uniform, squeezed unnaturally by her constricting bra, Skyler's breasts rebounded more than usual against her chest, bouncing like fat, overcompressed soccer balls with her every step as she made her way meekly from class to class. Not a single person even pretended to make eye contact, let alone notice the new haircut or bother to compliment Skyler on her new look. All eyes were trained squarely on her overstuffed chest — and the ill-fitting black lacy bra clearly visible beneath the straining fabric of her overtaxed shirt.
By fifth hour, Skyler was depressed. Her breasts felt even fuller than they had this morning — she knew that they must still be growing. All her body's energy felt sapped by her tender, throbbing tits, now very near the size of her skull. Their unrelenting heft felt ominous… threatening, even… Her breathing felt shallow and strained against the vicelike grip of her confining brassiere. She felt dizzy and deprived of air. She wanted to cry — it wasn't fair…
Suddenly, Skyler felt sleepy. Today had been nothing short of miserable for her, emotionally and physically. Lugging around 20 pounds of boob all day kinda wears a girl out, you know? Slumping her head down on her desk, Skyler fell asleep, escaping into distant memories of her former life as a man.
Then came the sound of a sharp, crisp SNAP, followed by a dull, soft FWUMP — as Skyler continued to snooze, unaware.
Her classmates giggled.
"Look at her… did you see that? Her tits are so fat, her bra hooks just snapped!"
"Her tits are riding in her lap now… dayuumm, and they're still jiggling from the impact…!"
"Holy shit… did Skylight's tiddies get even bigger over the weekend? How the fuck does she even stand up?"
"Come on, guys, grow up…"
"Oh, shut up, Monica, we all know you're just jealous…"
"Jealous?! W-why would I want to look like some… h-hormone fed f-fucking dairy cow…"
Monica's face turned crimson. Everybody laughed.
Blissfully oblivious, Skye flicked her striped purple Twilight tail in her sleep, dreaming wistfully of better times long since past. Her horselike face winced once, twitching an equine ear; her snout wrinkled briefly, then relaxing, at peace.
She smiled.
This morning, Skyler tried to be positive, even as she struggled to stuff her bloated chest into an old I cup bra she had clearly outgrown in the night. She sighed. These days, it seemed like everything she ate went straight to her tits… so maybe eating that triple patty melt & double ice cream sundae for dinner last night hadn't been such a good idea — but this new body of hers was always just so damn hungry! Now, because of her indiscipline, she would be forced to attend class while wearing a bra that was way too small for her new, bigger size. The strap dug painfully into her back, carving an angry red blemish into her mauve flesh; gobs of taut, puffy, jiggly titflesh spilled out copiously from the feeble cups in the front. Looking in the mirror, the sheer verticality of her cleavage was unreal…
But Skyler wasn't about to let any of that get to her — after all, just yesterday she had finally gotten a new haircut! Today was the day people would finally stop calling her "Skylight Sparkle" — she was her own pony… er, person… damn it! Sick of feeling like a cheap, fetishized knockoff of a cartoon character, today — with her freshly straightened, non-bookwormy hair — today was they day at last when Skyler seized her own destiny!
… right?
Disappointment came quickly. Squashed together under her school uniform, squeezed unnaturally by her constricting bra, Skyler's breasts rebounded more than usual against her chest, bouncing like fat, overcompressed soccer balls with her every step as she made her way meekly from class to class. Not a single person even pretended to make eye contact, let alone notice the new haircut or bother to compliment Skyler on her new look. All eyes were trained squarely on her overstuffed chest — and the ill-fitting black lacy bra clearly visible beneath the straining fabric of her overtaxed shirt.
By fifth hour, Skyler was depressed. Her breasts felt even fuller than they had this morning — she knew that they must still be growing. All her body's energy felt sapped by her tender, throbbing tits, now very near the size of her skull. Their unrelenting heft felt ominous… threatening, even… Her breathing felt shallow and strained against the vicelike grip of her confining brassiere. She felt dizzy and deprived of air. She wanted to cry — it wasn't fair…
Suddenly, Skyler felt sleepy. Today had been nothing short of miserable for her, emotionally and physically. Lugging around 20 pounds of boob all day kinda wears a girl out, you know? Slumping her head down on her desk, Skyler fell asleep, escaping into distant memories of her former life as a man.
Then came the sound of a sharp, crisp SNAP, followed by a dull, soft FWUMP — as Skyler continued to snooze, unaware.
Her classmates giggled.
"Look at her… did you see that? Her tits are so fat, her bra hooks just snapped!"
"Her tits are riding in her lap now… dayuumm, and they're still jiggling from the impact…!"
"Holy shit… did Skylight's tiddies get even bigger over the weekend? How the fuck does she even stand up?"
"Come on, guys, grow up…"
"Oh, shut up, Monica, we all know you're just jealous…"
"Jealous?! W-why would I want to look like some… h-hormone fed f-fucking dairy cow…"
Monica's face turned crimson. Everybody laughed.
Blissfully oblivious, Skye flicked her striped purple Twilight tail in her sleep, dreaming wistfully of better times long since past. Her horselike face winced once, twitching an equine ear; her snout wrinkled briefly, then relaxing, at peace.
She smiled.
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