28th Mar 2020, 6:00 AM
Author: GreatDinn
Guest Author's Note: "When you think about it, Dash's plan was sort of a win-win either way if Twilight accepted. Either Twilight tried her best despite terrible odds and won Dash's respect, or she somehow trounced Dash, which would also earn her (grudging) respect. Which means she was largely doing this to show off to the new girl.
PVP challenges are interesting to me. They usually seem to pop up in my games in incredibly petty, but no less valid ways. There's been…four separate occasions that ended with "I throw them into the river." But there's usually some level of reasoning behind why the players are willing to go against each other…even if it is just 'I want to annoy them/They are annoying me, and I want them to stop.' Which as stated earlier is perfectly valid.
Story Time: Any interesting PVP stories where the result wouldn't have mattered?"
Twilight Sparkle: I think my dice might be cursed.
MD: Well, I guess you’ll have to try something else to get Rainbow Dash involved.
RD: Nah, I’m in.
Twilight Sparkle: What?
MD: What!?
Twilight Sparkle: I didn’t score a single goal!
MD: She didn’t roll above a 10!
Twilight Sparkle: I rolled three Nat 1s!
MD: What about any of that could be impressive!?
Twilight Sparkle: How could that decision be in character?
RD: Of course you lost! I picked a game you had no hope of winning! I figured the best way to test Twilight’s resolve was to set her up against impossible odds. Thus proving to Dash you have what it takes to fight Sunset Shimmer. Thought I was just a meat-headed showboat, didn’t ya?
RT: Don’t fall for it. She is.