
So I got inspired by Strawberry-Spritz and usagi-kinnie to try out doing the show style but adding stuff, so I did my own version of AJ! I know in my bones that there is an applejack redesign out there that looks exactly like this but I can't put my finger on it and its KILLING me. Either way, I really like how this turned out! I tried to make her look as show accurate as possible while still making my own body type for her, not sure how well it really turned out 😔. It was fun to make though, so I'm gonna try and go through the mane six and describe what my perfect dream world version of mlp would look like!
Applejack is a humble farmpony who's always ready to help. Her personality is pretty much the same in my universe, besides being a little more subdued/quiet, the changes are mostly in her story. For one, shes the element of loyalty instead of honesty. This debate kind of faded out over time in the fandom but I think it still rings true — AJ and Dashes elements should've switched, it just makes more sense. Applejack believes in family more than anything, and will go great lengths to help her friends no matter the cost to herself.
This changes one aspect of her personality though, in this universe shes a bit of a pushover at first. Shes a people pleaser and largely just wants to get things done, even if it means she doesn't get her way or even any say in how it's done. Over the course of the series she learns that being loyal doesn't have to mean blindly following your friends or doing whatever they ask of you, and to value herself as an individual as well as how to be a leader.
She also has a mutual crush on Rarity. I dont know, I always thought they had awesome chemistry within the actual show itself and I think it would make a way cuter continous thread then the weird Spike thing was. This way they could actually, you know, have little romantic moments and eventually develop a relationship without it being god awful and creepy. It wouldn't be a huge plot focus, just something to play with in various episodes.
Another thing is that its explicitly mentioned that Applejack's parents died and she is the primary caregiver on the farm. That's how she got the scar on her chin, from a Timberwolf attack. They kind of touched on the machinations of the apple parents not being around, but I think it could actually help some kids if they explored grief at least a little bit. Its also a reason behind AJs protectiveness of her friends and family.
So those are just some little notes for Applejack! This was really fun to make, hopefully I'll get to the rest of the main six soon!


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