"Yes, fully understandable and I mean to assure I make no complaint about what else I have to say, but her Majest- er, your sister and I made a point to try and be more casual this time. She said it would be so in honor of the farming families that founded the town… which means we hadn't made formal scheduling agreements just yet and given her arrival would be a big deal for the event I would kind of need information… today… on… organizing at all," she said with an increasing grimace has her head lower down, "And some of the old-fashioned organizers are very insistent they get her word on this as they don't want to mess it up."
"And would they not trust the judgement of myself in my sister's place?" Princess Luna quipped with slightly narrowed eyes.
The mayor shrank a bit more initially but relaxed upon Luna realizing she had come off more intimidating than intended and lightened up, "Oh they mean no offense towards you, it's just that Princess Celestia herself often helped organize and manage the event planning and both out of respect for her imports as well as not knowing how she would want to arrange everything this year, you can understand why they would be a little hesitant."
"Hmm, understandable," was what Princess Luna said but not what she thought.
True she had never asked Celestia about all these small rural events with each specific instance, but she understood very well why her sister organized and attended so many. Today was a big reminder. It got her out of Canterlot for at least a day and compared to the monotonous grind of even a constitutional monarchy, helping operate and manage an event like this was practically a vacation. And that was even with ponies fretting over her every last judgement.
As she sat back brainstorming for a time, considering possibilities like taking over the event and giving her sister one of the lunar events as a trade when she got back, or seeing if she could contact Mothra Lea to see if she could do an impersonation for a longer period than a glamour spell would allow; a new and very familiar voice entered the room.
"I can tend to that."
"Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mare piped as her deliverance literally came walking in.
"So sorry to keep you fretting old friend, it was a bit of a burden making the long trip back from the empire. You'll be happy to know Princess Cadence and her unborn have no lasting side effects from the petrification. And thankfully because the misfortune malachite was a singular entity and the manufacturing method is long gone, we won't be seeing any more of that business," Princess Celestia, in all of her towering, white-pink furred, rainbow-maned glory announced with every ounce of poise and regality any pony would expect of her.
Anypony except the alicorn watching her start talking to the mayor.
The inflection, the annunciation of certain syllables, the way she held herself with her chest puffed out slightly and neck held very straight to make herself look tall even though she was literally heads and shoulders above everypony. It was a peak of feminine beauty and maturity, what one would expect of a queen even though Celestia had turned down the title.
It was what anypony would expect of Princess Celestia. But what Luna expected of her big sister, on the other hoof…