
|Name| Evening Flower [Evening Reign — Original]
|Nicknames| Eve, Evening
|Parents| Fluttershy and Tirek

|Gender| Cis Male — Genderfluid
|Age| Young Adult
|Birth Place| Unknown
|Current Residence| Canterlot Castle

|General Bio|
Born to Fluttershy and Tirek. Fluttershy wanted to try and reform Tirek, but the others hated this idea, they believed he was beyond helping. Fluttershy argued with the others for days until they finally allowed her to at least try and reform him. She would visit him in Tartarus once a week and just try and be his friend. Fluttershy was too kind, it made her easy to manipulate, she slowly feel in love with him and he noticed it. He used her kindness and love for him to get what he wanted. He first tried small things, like extra food, but slowly got larger and larger until he was able to convince her to break him out of Tartarus. Once Fluttershy had gotten him out, she broke her friendship gem and ran off with him.

They would then continue to cause trouble and steal magic from other ponies and creatures. Fluttershy would be able to gain the ponies trust and lure them right to Tirek. Tirek slowly fell for this new side of Fluttershy and when proposed having a child, he lept at the thought of a strong heir, but after Fluttershy got pregnant, her old friends where able to catch Tirek and lock him away. She ran away and hid away until she had their son and was able to gain back her strength before trying to break him back out. She failed and the others locked her away in the Canterlot dungeon.

While she was locked up she worried for her son and confessed to Twilight of his existence and where he is, Twilight ran out to look for the young foal. She was able to find a very small, very weak foal. She took the foal back to fluttershy, who took care of him until he was 3, she was given a room in the castel but was under close watch. Once Eve turned 3 Twilight took over care for him and fluttershy was locked back up in her room in the castle. He would visit her often and they would go out for picnics and playdates, always under the close supervision of one of the other girls.

As Eve grew, his magic got more and more out of control. He would take magic from other ponies without wanting too. To help combat this Twilight was able to create cuffs (with the help of Rarity) with a small gem. This gem would be used to store any excess magic that Eve couldnt control, the gem would be replace twice a week and the magic stored would be used in a more safe maner.


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