Applejack and Goby begin lefting a series of heavy objects, the latter's competitiveness get's the better of her when she tries to out do Goby by lifting the whole school. But Goby wins by lifting her up along with the school.
Goby: Hey, Applejack, can we stop now? I'm getting really tired!
And Applejack ends up pulling a mussel in her arm. And Rainbow Dash laughs at her for getting beat by a little kid.
Test of Speed (Rainbow Dash vs Gil):
Rainbow Dash and Gil have a foot race all over the city. Rainbow Dash is in the lead at first until Gil appears beside her.
Gil: Uh, Rainbow Dash? Am I just supposed to keep up with you or is one of us supposed to win?
Rainbow Dash: Win, obviously.
Then to Rainbow Dash's shock, Gil actually races ahead of her and wins. Which Applejack laughs at her next.
Test of Magic (Twilight Sparkle vs Molly):
Twilight Sparkle and Molly perform a some what sympny, levitating many objects, including themselves. However, one of Molly's objects literally knocks Twilight off focus and she falls, only for Molly to catch her.
Trivia This was based off the Powerpuff Girls episode "Members Only".
.Goby lifting up Applejack was based off Buttercup out-musseling Big Ben.
.Gil racing Rainbow Dash was based off Bubbles out-running E-Male, he even asks the same question Bubbles asked.
Gil and Molly's outfit by ShylylavenDER redesigned by me.
Goby and Molly's outfits recolor by BozzerKazooers