Born to Silly


”Is she nice?” Sweetie Belle questioned, one of many she had been asking her older sister. Rarity giggled, amused at her sister’s cute behavior.

”Yes dear, she’s very nice. Mint Diamond is a wonderful unicorn, a professional gem cutter. I trust no one else with my precious stones.” Rarity explained with a smile.

”Do you trust me?” Sweetie frowned.

”With my gems? Heavens no, you’d find a way to burn them.” Rarity snickered daintily. Sweetie pouted, then smiled. She bumped her sister’s leg with her hip and Rarity returned the gesture. The air was crisp and the mountain sky was a pale blue-gold, the perfect Hidden Kingdom morning. Unicorns truly lived in the most superior land, far above the pegasi and lowly earthies. Sweetie gasped excitedly when she saw the pony Rarity had described, a light blue unicorn with three diamonds as her cutiemark.

“Miss Diamond!” Rarity called called out with a smile. Mint Diamond turned to her and waved, happy to see her best customer. Rarity and her sister approached, Sweetie bounding ahead to greet the pony she’d heard so much about. She bowed respectfully and Mint returned the gesture.

”Hello Miss Diamond! Is it true you get your gems from nasty diamond dogs?” Sweetie asked innocently, getting straight to the point.

“Don’t pester her dear, she’s a professional after all.” Rarity tutted.

”It’s quite alright Miss Rarity, foals are curious little things!” Mint giggled pleasantly. “Yes I do get my raw gems from diamond dogs, but I wouldn’t call them nasty. They’re more smelly than anything, especially when they’re wet.” Mint winked at the filly, and Sweetie laughed.

“Do excuse the forwardness, but do you have the ruby we spoke about?” Rarity queried politely.

”A ruby!?” Sweetie interjected excitedly. Rarity frowned slightly.

“Sweetie, love, do me a kindness and let the adults speak. I promise I’ll show you the ruby later.” Rarity was gentle but firm, wanting to discipline Sweetie without being rude. Sweetie sulked a bit but nodded with an understanding smile.

”I’ll go look for pegasi!” She said with returned enthusiasm, then trotted off to the cliff edge.

”If you see one, hide! A pegasus won’t hesitate to scoop you up and sell you to the earthies!” Rarity warned. She turned back to Mint Diamond and resumed their conversation. Sweetie caught a glimpse of the aforementioned red gem, but turned away to gaze at the clouds below them. Unicorns were the closest any pony would get to the heavens, even pegasi couldn’t fly higher than the mountain. Just why was unknown to her. She looked over the edge of the cliff and scanned the golden clouds for a winged pony, hoping to actually see one. To be honest, she’d only ever seen illustrations of earthies and pegasi, and she wondered what they really looked like. Heavens forbid she actually meet one though, she wanted to live to see her next birthday. For a moment all was well, but then that moment ended. There was a crack, and before Sweetie could process what was happening, the ground had crumbled below her. She screamed in terror as she began to fall. She heard her sister’s horrified yell, but it sounded so far away. The clouds were getting closer, and for the first time in her life Sweetie wondered if it hurt to die.


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