Born to Silly


After the events of the Battle of Equestria, Shining Armor couldn’t stand the loss of Twilight and felt responsible for, which is why he vowed to protect the kingdom until his beloved little sister returned. After the battle, he returned with his wife Cadance and daughter Fleury Heart to the Crystal Empire in order to protect the kingdom from a potential attack even though for many the war was over.

For several months, the Crystal Empire was under enemy pressure and despite heroic resistance, the empire was finally abandoned by the family and by the people, the Crystal Empire was lost, taken by the Maleficent troops led by a very familiar enemy. Fortunately if the empire was lost, the people narrowly avoided the catastrophe and were guided by Cadance and Shining Armor where they could reach Canterlot without too much difficulty. Even though they were safe, Shining Armor could never accept the loss of the Crystal Empire and decided to train even more on the magic of protection in addition to training in knives and defenses.

During the two years that followed, he became again the captain of the Royal Guard of Canterlot and led the soldiers of the kingdom of Equestria in this war against the Maleficents. Despite the difficulties, Shining Armor showed a determination without flaws during the fighting, but also a particular attention to the inhabitants of Equestria so that they were safe in Canterlot. His relationship with his family has not changed yet Cadance is quite worried about him, indeed the captain of the guard spends much of his time fighting the enemy without taking the time to rest. Fortunately the rare moments of peace, Shining Armor does not hesitate to take time with his wife and daughter. Alas these moments will be wasted by Wrathkanon’s minions led by the Komodo and Dogon brothers, in an ambush, they kidnap Cadance under the eyes of impotent Shining Armor leaving him a scar on his cheek.

For him, it's had too much, since Shining Armor has become harder and harder with his enemies but also with soldiers, leaving the little goodness only to his closest friends and loved ones. For him there is only one purpose to annihilate his enemies and find his wife imprisoned, and any being who will represent a threat to Equestria will be his enemy even the allies. But three months after these events, hope remains again, because the seven stars where Celestia and Mane 6 were changed shine with a thousand fires, a sign of their return. But the arrival of visitors from Terraold does not make things better, without knowing it Shining Armor will find a familiar head, the unicorn who made him become captain of the guard, this unexpected return will also be the occasion at Shining Armor to meet a particular being and this meeting will be decisive for Equestria but also for himself.


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