I've never wanted an OC so bad, and I flipped when I got her- She's just gorgeous!! Mystic is originally a Twilight Sparkle redesign made by LambRot. He turned her into an OC afterwards, and later on she was traded/given to AxolotlShy Shy recently accepted an offer I made on her, and now I finally have this baby!!
I love her so much! She's Clever Crystal's mother and the wife of Sombra. I'm still working out her backstory, and she's having a new Cutie Mark designed. But I can't wait to fill out her wiki with her full backstory!
This baby will never be for sale/trade/offer, and AxolotlShy and I have agreed that if for any insane reason I don't want her anymore, Mystic will go back to them.
Character: EyesoreForTheBlind Designed By: LambRot Cutie Mark by: Inspectorvalvert Base: Alina-Brony29