Applejack: Boy, ya got that right. I was just talkin’ ta Fluttershy at the animal shelter and then all of a sudden, she’s as thin as a twig and I was over double my size.
Sunset: I was just hanging out with Rainbow and Pinkie Pie. And I gotta tell you: after seeing Pinkie in that size for so long, it’s really strange to see her so thin.
Applejack: Yup. Well, (sigh), guess it’s back ta the ol’ workout routine for me again. It’ll be a decade before I go back ya my target weight. What ‘bout you?
Sunset: Eh, I dunno. I kind of like being bigger than usual. I… think I’ll keep this. At least my stream followers will love this bad boy. (Pats her tummy and shakes it)
I think this will be the last one of these Sunset edits I’ll make to Neon’s work. Think I’ll just leave that to Skye Lily from now on. And this picture is a sequel to this non-canon, one-off picture from Neon: >>2340654