She'd use her rigs to trade with neighboring settlements. Mind, she ain't a polite neighbor. The transactions are forced. However, she doesn't let her subjects rape anyone by penalty of death by beheading. She's a Raider Queen with standards, like many Warlords of history. She runs on her own moral code, although twisted. On one hoof, she gives fair trade, because she's filthy rich for a Wastelander In fact, she's richer than most Ponies alive for her time. On the other, again, she doesn't take "no" for an answer. Those in the Radlands and the surrounding areas will hand over their crops in exchange for what she offers. On one hoof, many of her subjects love her for being a good provider and protector. On the other hoof, she's got slave laborers by the dozens. Including her "milk mares", whom she treats like royalty—under house arrest. Notably, she takes the collars off those who willingly offer fealty and prove their loyalty.
Weapons of Choice: RPG launcher mounted on a battle saddle, with a flamethrower bazooka combo on the other side (custom J-7 Warbird), and a cleaver sword.
"I smell a knife-fight coming!"
“Agh! My boomstick's runnin’ dry! Anyone got any spare slugs for your Ladyship?”
"Oh, you card~ I could just pinch your cute cheeks right off~"
Based on fanart of Pinprick from Fallout Equestria: Heroes by Geekladd, used with permission: