Alright, for real. This is partially an excuse to draw Heath because I had a design I wanted to get out for him. The other part is I really want to draw more support conversations. And the OTHER other part is I really like these two together and their support chain. Special shout out to the YouTube comments debating on how gay this dialogue is on their support conversation video I watched to refresh my memory on the exact line.
Anyway, Heath is part dragon as are most ponies from Bern. I'd say he's about a quarter or so, leaving him with wings, fangs, and a single dragon eye. For the longest time I swore he had heterochromia based on his sprite, but Heroes says otherwise.
One day I'll put more effort into backgrounds. Today is just not that day.
Want to leave me suggestions on Fire Emblem things to draw? Or something else? Let me know in the comments or anonymously here >