After the defeat of the dazzling at the band contest, the three former sirens split up from each other because of their different view of the situation.
Aria was left on the street, trying to get through the days. Around two weeks after the battle against the rainbooms and the split up with her „sisters“, she met Sunset randomly in the town at the park. First Aria ignored Sunsets tries to have a nice conversation, cause she was still angry with the rainbooms because of her lost magic, her destroyed chance to go back to Equestria and her lost „sisters“.
But Sunset didn’t give up so easily and tried to speak to Aria over and over again. She saw in how a bad condition Aria was, from her life at the street. She wanted to let the past be past and tried to make a new beginning with the dazzling, or at least with Aria, like Twilight and her friends from the CHS used to do with her. Now, when the former sirens lost their magic and gave up the try to rule over the school or Equestria, she was sure that a new side of them would come to light.
After many times of cajoling Aria agreed to stay with Sunset in her house for a while. She didn’t really came along all alone in the town without a real home. At first, there were a freezing solchen between them, most of the time. But after a few weeks of living together, they started to talk with each other and Aria opened herself more and more. They started to had a lot of fun with each other and slowly Aria began to deal with a life without magic.
She still missed her „sisters“ and her old life in Equestria and often thought of what Adagio and Sonata where doing. Sometimes she cried herself in the night, when she tried to hold back her feels and emotions at the day. One evening, Sunset noticed that and tried to speak to Aria about that. She already felt a little bit for the former siren, but kept that for herself, because she new it wouldn’t be a good idea to tell her. But when she wanted to speak Aria, she became angry and run outside. Most of her anger wasn't even against Sunset, but against the fact, that Sunset saw her weaker and emotionally side. Sunset followed Aria outside, in the night. She found her under an old cherry tree wich stands in Sunsets garden sitting and crying. She slowly walked towards her, carefully, to not give her the feeling to run away again. She didn’t want to destroy the time they had together. She sat down beside Aria, put her arm around her and told her that it would be okay and that there would be no need to run away from feelings or memories…
After that day they got closer everyday and it didn’t take long since there was more than friendship between them. They never really said things out loud, but they knew how they felt and around fourth months after the battle of the bands, they were together.
One year later they decided to move back to Equestria. When Sunset showed Aria the portal between the two worlds, the former siren was actually very surprised, that the way back to Equestria was always right in front of her. Because of her lost magic and her destroyed magic stone, Aria didn’t turned into a siren again, when she went back to Equestria. She was a pony. A pegasus to be exact. Sunset and Aria stayed in Ponyville in a normal, little house. After a not really long time, they got a little daughter…
to be continued…?
Who knows.
Im sorry for maybe bad english, it’s not that easy to write a whole text down “
Base belongs to ElementBases
Aria, Sunset And Mlp belong to Hasbro
This little story idea belongs to me
Hope y’all like it and I wish u a wonderful day/night! UwU