

Kids should try to behave nicely

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

What is the point of being nice?

Diamond Tiara: To the mall, Randolph.

Silver Spoon: Like, now!


Instead of spending, you could try giving

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]


We want more!

Let's go find a bigger store!


Buying more won't make you happy

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

We don't agree, but now we need some more money!


Working hard is the best reward that you could ever get

Spend the day with your sleeves rolled up

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

And smell like sweat!

Getting wet!

Sounds to us like a regret!


Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!


There's more to life than looking pretty

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Jealous you don't look this good?


Not me!


Helping others makes you happy

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

We agree!

If you are helping me

Diamond Tiara: Ugh! I think he's getting in my head.

Silver Spoon: I know! He's starting to, make sense!

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

You know it's not easy being the mean girls in the school

No one understands it's hard to think of new ways to try to be cruel


I would like to see the day when nobody has to hate

We see each other's point of view, and always tolerate

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Maybe he's right

We've been wrong all along

We could be nice, and just sing
this old man's song

[Silver Spoon]



Working hard is the best reward that you could ever get

Spend the day with your sleeves rolled up, and live with no regret

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Life is good now we've learned to just be nice


Learned to just be nice!

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

We don't have to say it twice!

[Silver Spoon]




Aw, yeah!


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