
Name: Ambrosia Apple (Rose)

Parents: Fluttershy & Big Mac

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, loving, simple, Ladylike, not shy but won't speak her mind, takes after her father with only saying a few words, can be passive aggressive, knows everything about everypony from working in the flower store

Likes: being on the farm, quiet, animals, her father explaining how to do stuff around the farm, her family, flowers, apples, walking, tending her garden, spa visits, hearing but not spreading gossip

Dislikes: talking, being the center of attention, flying, letting her mane down, ponies being rude, being forced to do anything

Talent & Job: Growing roses (Her specialty is growing roses inside apples) she works either on the farm or with the local flower shop

Fun fact: Uses her wings a lot to show her emotions versus talking, shes very close with the 3 ponies who run the flower shop


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