
Name: Walter D. Arceaion
Known Associates:
Princess Celestia (Details Unknown)
Princess Luna (Details Unknown)
Known Relatives: Aurora J. Arceaion (Daughter)
Bio: A mysterious Pony who claims he was a former <Redacted> of <Redacted>. He claims to have once been part of a species known as a Human till he accidentally shattered himself across Time and Space; while most ponies think he is crazy the knowledge he has as well as the magic he uses despite not being a Unicorn makes everypony wary of his claims and those who are around him long enough eventually begin to consider that he may not be all he seems to be. Add on to the fact he seemed to simply appeared out of nowhere and there is no record of his existence prior to his sudden appearance and you have a very interesting and dangerous unknown.

Additional notes:
*Walter Arceaion is to be considered mentally unstable, his personality and behavior show clear traumatic symptoms however due to the damage he has suffered he has little memory of who he truly is or where he came from. Despite his obvious intelligence and knowledge the trauma has resulted in him being nearly insane. Any attempts to make him remember have been met with failure or him going into a panic attack that ends with him drinking till passes out and forgetting again.
NOTICE: By Order of Princess Celestia the Individual known as Walter D. Arceaion is the be left alone until the time he is considered mentally stable. All care and monitoring of Walter D. Arceaions' mental state is to be left to one, Aurora J; Arceaion. No further Details given.

*Walter Arceaion has extensive cybernetic augmentation on his wings and his right eye is mechanical in nature. It is unknown how he acquired such augmentations and any attempts to analyze them have failed not due to Walters' refusal but rather due to the fact they are so advanced and are not detectable by any known means both magical and technological. All results from attempts to scan the Cybernetics comeback stating they do not exist or are organic which is impossible to explain.
Please see Research File 01977-E located in the Canterlot Archived Restricted Section for more details.
-Dr. Blue Jay


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