
One of two entries for a contest going on here:

Name : Clay
Type : Earth pony
Cutie Mark : Pottery wheel with a vase
Hair : Sandy
Eyes : Grey / Green

Clay hails from humble beginnings, being born and raised on a rock farm near the edge of Equestria. He is the youngest of seven brothers, and grew up with nothing but hand-me-downs and thoroughly secondhand possessions. For the most part, he made do by either fixing what he had, or making it himself.

One day as a young colt, he wandered off while on an adventure with his older brothers. He eventually found himself at a stream, and started playing with the mud near the water's edge. When his brothers found him nearly an hour later, he was found with a bunch of clay sculptures and, barely visible under all the mud on his coat, a cutie mark.

Clay eventually left home with one of his brothers, and ventured far into Equestria. He eventually settled into the town of Seaddle and started up a pottery shop with his brother, who was talented at painting.

For the most part, Clay is a very relaxed pony, almost too relaxed. He never seems to get too emotional about anything, although he has his moments when he'll start acting with some feeling. He still makes his own things or buys them secondhand, not having outgrown his roots of living on a poor farm.


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