If I had the time and effort, I would make an audio drama based off this theory and it would take place during the timeskip.
My audio drama would’ve been called Second Chance Of Friendship.
Here’s the plot : After Twilight’s coronation and time flies to the future,Cozy Glow somehow escaped her stone prisonment as an adult and starts to cause trouble. Twilight asked Diamond Tiara in particular to keep an eye on her and when they started to talk more,they realize they have a lot in common and start to hit it off but Cozy still wants to manipulate ponies and creatures and Diamond Tiara doesn’t want her to do that. Cozy has to make a decision to either make friends and not manipulate ponies and creatures or go to the dark side once again.
And yes I ship adult Diamond Tiara with adult Cozy Glow.
If anyone can make an audio drama based off this idea,I would love to know :)