Maud’s eyes widened just slightly, and she blinked. “Hi, Spike. Nice to see you again.” Her head cocked slightly to the side. “You’ve gotten big.”
“Have I?” Spike grinned at Maud’s blunt observation. “I hadn’t noticed.” Maud huffed in amusement as Spike turned to Starlight and folded his arms in mock annoyance. “Why am I always the last to know? What else are you not telling me?”
Starlight blinked at Spike’s totally serious question before punching him in the shoulder. “You doofus.” Smiling impishly, she turned back to Maud. “But he’s my doofus for the day. Anyway, Spike and I have a question for you, and I think you might be the best pony for the job.”
“I don’t think I’m the most experienced to advise you in matters of love.”
Starlight’s cheeks colored just a bit, a breathy laugh escaping her toothy grin. “Oh, that isn’t it at all! No no no no! Heh heh… love. Psh! We’re here to ask about rocks!”