Val is only a year younger then Luna, he was the most bubbly and loving child and he was the most understanding. At a young age Val knew much about relationships and he was one of the first ponies to accept same sex couples, he supported ponies to be themselves and that if they love the same sex then go after them. He said to many ponies that "life is short my little loves! You need to live how you want to, love is love you cant fake it because it will never work"
Val was a bisexual person and he loved everyone, he had many romances as a teenager but soon he fell in love with a las named Vallery Loving. These two hit it off fast and were a young couple that was idolized, they got together before at age 16 and at age 20 the two had their daughter Cadance. Cadance was born as a unicorn like her mama, sadly Vallery died giving birth to Cadence so Val was a single parent. Cadence grew up in a loving home but sadly her happiness would not last forever…..
When Cadance was just 5 years old a horrible illness spread across the land and Cadence got sick with it. Val didnt wanna lose another person he had already lost his parents and soul mate he couldn't afford to lose his baby girl. Val then made the biggest sacrifice and he gave his little Cadance his immortality, because of this she became an alicorn but the illness went to her father and Val died just days later.
Cadance went to live with her aunties Luna and Celestia. Celestia spent much time with her niece ((this was another cause of Lunas depressions, Luna felt replaced so easily and it hurt that Celestia spent time with Cadance while she dismissed Luna all the time))none the less Cadence again had a loving home and she was loved by both aunts and uncle
When Valentinos parents died he was the only sibling to make an effort to be happy and make his siblings happy, he was only 4 but he was a smart little man. Celestia just like Luna accidentally ignored Val but unlike Luna Val didnt mind this he knew Celestia was busy but it still made him a little sad but he was there for his sister Luna. Val and Luna spent a lot of time together and they were close so when Val died it made Luna more depressed.
Celestia and Val were not fully close, no bad blood or anything like that just they never….bonded much
Val was close a bit to Sin, he loved his older brother and they did more then he and Celestia did but they weren't as close as Val was to Luna
●●●Valentino's Personality●●● Open minded, always positive, silly a bit naive, bubbly, looks at the brighter things in life, friendly, charitable, charming
●●●Valentino's Likes●●● Weddings, sweets, babies, dancing, helping people find love, having fun, parties, hot baths, summer, spring, Christmas, wearing make up, feeling pretty, spoiling others
●●●Valentino's Hates●●● Judgmental people, those who are against others happiness, dark colors, spicy foods, not having fun, being yelled at, being judged
●●●Valentino's Powers●●● Making people fall in love, helping people open their minds, helping others find their soul mates