While the prince's parents and relatives headed off to the Queen's laboratory to whip up a concoction to fix the issue, the small foal was left in the hands of his maids whom were just as confused as he was. It was then that the small banana colored alicorn began to feel a watery sensation from his (or her) eyes. He was crying and he couldn't control himself, letting the guilt and concern of what he had done easily eat him up inside as he trembled in his female form. Though even his older sister figures themselves were stricken with similar emotional confusion, they knew all the more better what to do when it came to taking care of their little brother figure regardless of what happened to them.
So from that moment onward the two girls now stallions tended to the boy turned colt now turned filly in the only manner they knew. Via a comforting hug and kind words along with everlasting love and care.
Done by :iconrainbowtashie: and including :iconcandyclumsy: