27th Aug 2020, 6:00 AM
It's the bread-and-butter of the comic, but even nine years later I just love love love parodying events from the show just by reversing the intents.
In the show? "Oh wow, the Princess asked us to be the bridesmaids? Don't really know what happened to the old bridesmaids, but we don't really care! Princess Wedding!"
In the comic? "Okay, so can we get the old bridesmaids fired so we can become the new bridesmaids and have no one else standing between us and stabbing?"
Fluttershy: While Twilight is doing all that, I had an idea for what we could do…
Rainbow Dash: Uh, I think it's just beatdown time now.
Fluttershy: We don't know what Twilight knows yet. And either way, we need an excuse to be close to Cadance when it all goes down, right? It looks like she's paranoid and a bit of a control freak. And she seemed very angry at the bridesmaids when they didn't agree with her. I don't think they're part of her plan. If they aren't gone already, I don't think it would take too much to, um, vacate their roles…
Twilight Sparkle: Wait. Are you suggesting…?
Applejack: …we get right into the middle of the ceremony by BECOMING the bridesmaids!
Rarity: Not just the ceremony, the rehearsal tonight! What a marvelous stratagem!
Pinkie Pie: Social engineering for the win!!
Rainbow Dash: Well… I mean… Big poofy girly dresses… <sigh> Nah, I can't be mad at you. Besides, now I get to punch out the bride AND look good doing it.
Fluttershy: Thanks, everyone.