Born to Silly


Had these two done for a while now, but thought i should post some mlp next gen stuff. I have a lot finished back here but i just dont share it all..hmmmm

Anyways, these two are the twins born to Trixie and Prince Blue Blood.
Heres a quick little story for ya;

While trixie was preforming at the castle she met, blue blood and a bat pone, she got drunk and slept with the bat pone and would later have his kid, Blood Moon. she would later go back, do another performance and then sleep with blue blood and later have the twins, but since she already had one foal she put the twins in an orphanage, which broke her heart but she thought they'd live better off with some family that wanted kids. she would later move and settle down with her now teen bat son in the crystal empire. while wondering she met sombra and was very interested in him. she would later experience love for the first time and start officially dating him and later have his kid. they would get married a few years later and quickly have another kid. many years later the twins would of grown up in the orphanage and the girl always wanted to meet their mother but the boy was always like "she left us here, dont get your hopes up to high" and they would go on this big witch hunt to find their mother. when they found her they found at that she has 3 other kids and is living a happy like. this breaks trixies heart to see them, the girl gets super mad and the boy is just..shocked


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