
Okay, I found out that I either need to get a less-newer version of Gimp on this laptop, or I need to find a free colouring program that's exactly the same as the Gimp I'm used to, since I'm stubborn and refuse to learn how to work a tablet AND a new program at the same time.

So…I'm having a kind of artist's block, and I had to leave in a rush yesterday…Happy New Year Everyone — we survived the end of the world!
To celebrate, instead of a full New Year's Pic as planned, you can have some Octavia! Since, well, yolo (You Obviously Love Octavia).

And that's the only reason I shaded this, and the peculiar way I shaded it was due to the version of Gimp I have being a noob. This is why I like to draw on my other laptop.
Also, this gimp I have on here saves my stuff in a format where no other website likes it, so I had to print screen this picture.

Oh the problems that come with a tablet.

Octavia is property of Lauren Faust and her show My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.


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